
I would like to form a petition to have the TV Licence in Ireland Abolished

Petitioner not public
Petition is directed to
The Dail/ RTE
1 supporter

Petitioner did not submit the petition.

1 supporter

Petitioner did not submit the petition.

  1. Launched 2021
  2. Collection finished
  3. Submitted
  4. Dialogue
  5. Failed

I would like to make a petition to have the TV Licence Abolished in the Republic of Ireland.
The homeless crisis in Ireland is shocking and the massive amounts of money that goes to RTE every year, via the public's hard earned cash could be used for cancer research/ Funding for homeless charities in Ireland like Simon, Barnardos.
People and families who are struggling to make ends meet, who are struggling to make their mortgage payments should be exempt from paying the TV Licence. Companies such as TV3 Sought their funding through advertising...Why can't RTE do the same...? RTE Stars such as Ryan Tubridy, Joe Duffy, including the RTE Director General get paid far too much.
PLEASE support me in having RTE seek funding through advertising rather than the general public who simply CANNOT afford to pay the TV LICENCE. Let's make a change. Peace and love from. Tony "The AlleyCat" Cotter.


I am not alone in saying that the TV Licence in Ireland is FAR TO EXPENSIVE to pay, especially people and families who are struggling to pay their rent/Mortgage/Bills shouldn't have to pay €160 per year.... It may not seem like much to people such as Ryan Tubridy or Joe Duffy, or Dermot Bannon, but to most people including myself, this is alot and should be scrapped imho. Please support me in trying to Abolish the TV Licence in the Republic of Ireland once and for all! And make a proposal to The Dail. Peace and love from. Tony "The AlleyCat" Cotter

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