
Corruption in medical entrence exam, in the HPAT

Petition is directed to
HPAT Ireland
2 supporters

Collection finished

2 supporters

Collection finished

  1. Launched January 2024
  2. Collection finished
  3. Prepare submission
  4. Dialog with recipient
  5. Decision

I am writing to bring to your attention some significant concerns regarding the HPAT exam administered in February 2022, as well as the subsequent result process.
My son, who aspired to pursue a medical education in Ireland, participated in the HPAT exam in February 2022. Following the examination, the official results were received in June 2022. However, upon thorough examination, it has come to my attention that there appears to be a lack of transparency and an absence of an appeal system in place.
Subsequent to a Freedom of Information (FOI) request, it has become evident that there may be am alteration of his final score. The confirmed raw score, obtained through the FOI, does not align with the raw score from which the final result was derived. This inconsistency raises questions about the accuracy and fairness of the evaluation process.
Furthermore, despite the HPAT Ireland company being based in Melbourne, Australia, it is perplexing that the final score was purportedly created in Ireland on the morning the final statement was issued. This information is documented in the Data Subject Access Request (DSAR) obtained through the FOI process.
Despite these concerns, a disconcerting silence prevails from various stakeholders, including ministers, medical universities, and the media. Regrettably, newspapers are hesitant to publish this matter, and solicitors seem reluctant to take legal action against the government.
I must also express my disappointment in the Data Protection Officer's unwillingness to investigate these discrepancies. This situation is disconcerting, particularly when the HPAT Ireland asserts that the raw score, which presumably reflects the candidate's proficiency in the exam, is deemed unimportant.
These issues raise a fundamental question about the purpose and validity of the HPAT exam if the raw score, considered a measure of a good answer on the exam, is seemingly disregarded. I believe it is essential to address these concerns promptly and ensure transparency and fairness in the assessment process, safeguarding the integrity of the examination and the aspirations of countless aspiring medical professionals.
I kindly request your attention to this matter and would appreciate any guidance or support you can offer in resolving these discrepancies.
Thank you for your time and consideration.


The HPAT is a medical entrance exam in Ireland that lacks transparency and an appeal system. I possess evidence indicating that my son initially achieved one of the highest, if not the highest, results in the 2022 HPAT. However, his result was subsequently altered, resulting in his exclusion from pursuing a medical education in Ireland. Despite my son's successful enrollment in a medical program in Bologna, Italy, and his decision not to return to Ireland, I am compelled to address the apparent corruption within the system.
I am not contesting my son's current academic pursuit; rather, my concern lies with the integrity of the HPAT assessment process. I fear that if I am unable to substantiate the corruption within the system, my son may lose faith in his dream of becoming a doctor. I firmly believe that the irregularities in his HPAT result were intentional, systemic, and not merely a mistake.
It is crucial to advocate for systemic changes within the HPAT evaluation process to prevent similar injustices from occurring in the future. I am deeply troubled by the potential consequences and foresee a tragedy if these issues are not addressed promptly. I implore the relevant authorities to investigate and rectify the flaws in the system to ensure fairness, transparency, and the credibility of the medical entrance examination.

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