Consumer protection

Classic car - Vintage car insured as first vehicle in Ireland

Petition is directed to
European Commission, Central Bank of Ireland
3 supporters

Petitioner did not submit the petition.

3 supporters

Petitioner did not submit the petition.

  1. Launched August 2022
  2. Collection finished
  3. Submitted
  4. Dialogue
  5. Failed

In Ireland, insurance companies are restricting consumers' ability to choose how and which vehicle to own and drive on the roads. Currently an Irish resident is denied insurance cover for a vehicle over 20 years old, sometimes 15, as their only/main vehicle. This is forcing consumers to own a newer main car in order to continue using older vehicles. This is an abuse and a practice that drives socially and environmentally unsustainable consumerism.
The same companies that operate in Ireland also operate in the rest of the European Union and in many other countries around the world. Ireland is an EU country and, as such, the difference in treatment of consumers compared to other EU countries is not justifiable. Insurance companies have had tools and technology to prevent consumer fraud and improve safety, such as GPS trackers and dash cams, for years, so their behavior is even less justifiable.
These practices are completely unfair to the consumer, because they act against the ability to enjoy an asset that was rightly purchased and can still perform the function for which it was intended.
Owning older vehicles, especially if annual mileage is kept low, is still a suitable way to reduce the environmental and social impact of heavy car production, as well as a powerful tool to keep craftsmen and mechanics active in communities and thus help keep them alive. Older vehicles can also be easily retrofitted with the latest safety solutions and modern technology at low cost or through routine maintenance, so risks are easily minimised.
But all this should be accompanied by fair quotes from the insurance companies themselves. An insurance premium for an older car used as a main vehicle, with limited annual mileage, should not be expensive just because of assumptions about potential risks. The insurance premium must be supported by facts. And recent statistics show that the incidence of fatal car accidents in Ireland is among the lowest in Europe. Insurance companies have all the tools to successfully and fairly insure older than 20 years old cars.
The owner's ability to enjoy driving the vehicle should not be compromised by arbitrary choices of insurance companies, but by the actual and verified safety and roadworthiness of the vehicle, which can be controlled through the NCT.
This petition is therefore a proposal to regulate these unfair restrictions and give the owners of older cars the ability of insure their old/vintage car as main vehicle, and keep the NCT mandatory for all older cars if they are to be used as a main/unique vehicle.
The Central Bank of Ireland regulates the activities of financial service providers such as insurance companies, so I expect this body to be able to force a change in the way they operate. The European Commission is the other body that should be able to assess the issue and possibly intervene to enact a change. The suggestion is that at least these two bodies should be involved for the success of this petition.


The owner's ability to enjoy driving the vehicle should not be compromised by arbitrary choices of insurance companies, but by the actual and verified safety of the vehicle, which can be controlled through the NCT.
The success of this petition will bring fairness to the Irish and EU insurance market, especially now that borders are increasingly permeable in the EU and many more people, with different needs and expectations, cross them for life and work choices. Irish residents would benefit from this change, as they will have more freedom in choosing which vehicle to own, rather than having to own more of them just to keep the one they like.
Furthermore, I believe this is a step towards sustainability. Not because older cars are more environmentally friendly, but because people who choose to keep them tend to use them much more sparingly, keep them in better condition and choose alternative and more sustainable modes of transport for their daily lives.
With this petition, I would like to bring to the attention of the European Union, the Irish government and The Central Bank of Ireland the abusive behavior and practices of insurance companies operating in Ireland and find an appropriate and fair solution for current and future potential vehicle owners, if they wish to own an older/vintage vehicle.

Thank you for your support, Mirko Greco from R95A6K4
Question to the initiator

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