Alueella: Cork

Allocation of premises for ABC EduLibrary

Vetoomus on osoitettu
Cork City Council
162 Tukeva
32% saavutettu 500 keräystavoitteeseen
162 Tukeva
32% saavutettu 500 keräystavoitteeseen
  1. Aloitti 22.5.2024
  2. Keräys edelleen > 2 kuukautta
  3. Hakemus
  4. Vuoropuhelu vastaanottajan kanssa
  5. Päätös

Hyväksyn, että tietoni tallennetaan . Päätän, kuka näkee tukeni. Voin peruuttaa tämän suostumuksen milloin tahansa .


The Polish Cultur Center and Library ABC EduLibrary has been operating since 2015. Poles constitute the largest national minority in Ireland. We are asking Cork City Council to allow us premises to continue to create a Polish culture hub serving the entire local community.


We need more space to develop, create more events, cultural and educational workshops for a larger number of recipients, as well as to accommodate the constantly growing book collection. We operate thanks to the social work of several people.
Currently, due to lack of space - narrow passages between shelves - people with mobility difficulties have very limited opportunities to use our offer.
We do not have permanent funding for rent, energy, etc. We obtain funds from projects, membership fees, and workshops. We are currently renting rooms from a private person and we are not financially able to bear the higher costs of renting a larger premises.

Kiitos tuestasi, ABC EduLibrary lähettäjä Corkermore ED
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Pomaga wszystkim Polakom rozwijać swoje zainteresowania na obczyźnie,krzewi nasz język ojczysty jest miejscem spotkań dzieci i dorosłych i uczy szacunku do książki .

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