Civil rights

Vote NO to Emergency Powers

Petitioner not public
Petition is addressed to
An Taoiseach, all members of the Oireachtas

0 signatures

Petition process is finished

0 signatures

Petition process is finished

  1. Launched 2022
  2. Collection finished
  3. Submitted
  4. Dialogue
  5. Finished

02/21/2022, 13:15

This is a tip from the openPetition editorial team:

This petition is in conflict with Point 1.4 the terms of use for admissible petitions.

Please provide a source (link/URL) for the following statements:

"The Emergency Powers allows a Minister to:

Set aside provisions of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU and of our own Constitution - without any public discussion or vote.
Restrict our right to Work, Travel and Associate.
Segregate and divide us based on Health Status.
Force us carry a Digital Certificate (ID card) in order to gain access to services, including sports, restaurants and bars.
Dictate, by coercion, what medicines are put into our body, or that we wear face-coverings without any proven benefit.
Delay medical treatments for things like Cancer and Heart Disease, in favour of a single illness which is far less dangerous."

02/21/2022, 13:14

Dear supporters,

The petition has been revised in accordance with our Terms of Use. The temporary suspension has been lifted and the petition can now be further signed.

We thank you for your commitment!

the openPetition team

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