Regija: Helsinki
Zaštiti manjina

No Sinimusta reading circle event in Oodi Library

Peticija je upućena na
City of Helsinki, Oodi Library

47 Potpisi

500 za cilj prikupljanja

47 Potpisi

500 za cilj prikupljanja
  1. Pokrenut prosinca 2024
  2. Zbirka i dalje > 2 mjeseci
  3. Podnošenje
  4. Dijalog s primateljem
  5. Odluka

Slažem se da će moji podaci biti pohranjeni . Ja odlučujem tko može vidjeti moju podršku. Ovaj pristanak mogu opozvati u bilo kojem trenutku .


Peticija se upućuje na: City of Helsinki, Oodi Library

Petition addressed to the City of Helsinki, Oodi library management and Helmet services management
Residents of Helsinki and Oodi customers are raising concerns about Sinimusta reading circle event planned in Oodi on the 6/12, 12.30 pm (in finnish below)
According to the article published by the Helsinki Sanomat, The Sinimusta movement is planning a reading circle in Oodi on Independence day 6/12 at 12.30. As Helsinki residents and Helmet customers, we think that this Reading Circle should not be allowed in the library premises for ethical reasons and due to a safety concern for our community.

This movement has already been banned from holding a similar event in 2022 that they advertised as «reserved to Finns only».
Oodi receives regular Finnish courses and school support for youth and children who recently immigrated to Finland, and we are concerned about providing a safe space for their learning environment. We find it unacceptable that some customers have to feel unsafe in common spaces. Shockingly, out of all spaces, we are witnessing a well-known cultural center and “symbol” of our city being used as a far right political activists gathering place. This movement is promoting national socialist ideals, racist, homophobic and transphobic ideology which was a reason for its program being refused by the Ministry of Justice in 2022. They originally planned in their program to ban any non heteronormativity speeches or cultural productions. How would the LGBTQ + and minorities members feel if hearing speeches and talks promoting racial discrimination, homophobia and white supremacy? 

here are some of this party supporters:

«a man who attacked Foreign Minister Timo Soini ; the man who stabbed the philosopher Esa Saaris ; a man convicted of an attack on a pride parade ; and a man who was given a suspended prison sentence for an attack on a synagogue. The supporters included writer Timo Hännikäinen , department store salesman Juha Kärkkäinen, several members of the banned neo-Nazi organization Nordic Resistance and five men suspected of far-right terrorist crimes.»

This party is openly promoting fascist and racist ideology and referring to themselves as the inheritors of National Socialism and the Third Way. Some of its members have been well known as carrying swastikas during demonstrations and arrested carrying weapons : In December 2023, the police arrested a party activist of the Sinimusta movement who was illegally carrying a bladed weapon. This person had said that his "agenda" was "preventing population change".
We agree with the statement of Anna-Maria Soininvaara in HS, their movement is against the values promoted by Helsinki librairies : the librairies in Helsinki are a community hub, a place where everyone should feel welcomed and accepted in their difference and diversity and not feel threatened.
There is not only a concern for the community inside the librairies premisces but also their surroundings. 
We understand that the library's employees can’t refuse individuals in advance. However, the reading circle is openly political and announced on the Sinimusta website, inviting individuals to join a nationalist reading preceding a neo nazi march. It is advertised on the party website and therefore IS an event. We, Helsinki residents, are asking the local authorities to prevent the happening of this event to ensure the peace and the safety of the Oodi customers and the surrounding of the library for minorities and vulnerable people.



community diversity safety and international solidarity

Hvala vam na podršci, helsinki residents , Helsinki
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Peticija je pokrenuta: 02. 12. 2024.
Peticija završava: 01. 06. 2025.
Regija: Helsinki
Kategorija: Zaštiti manjina

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