Region: Schweiz

Stop the Dublin policy, stop sending back refugees!

Petent/in nicht öffentlich
Petition richtet sich an
President Simonetta Sommaruga
4 Unterstützende

Petent hat die Petition nicht eingereicht/übergeben.

4 Unterstützende

Petent hat die Petition nicht eingereicht/übergeben.

  1. Gestartet 2020
  2. Sammlung beendet
  3. Eingereicht
  4. Dialog
  5. Gescheitert

Switzerland needs to stop the Dublin policy!


I am an immigrant and I know the pain of an immigrant, if we came here we came from compulsion and not from lust and pleasure.

You all know the situation in Afghanistan and you know what the situation is, they kill us at school, they kill us in the mosque, they kill us in the hospital, they kill us everywhere, they blow us up, we all leave the house, but it is not clear whether we will return home or not.

No, we leave all our family, friends and country to survive, not to live. It takes us years to get here. Some of us get there. Some of us die at sea and mountains and Jungles and lose, everyone knows what the road is like, but they continue to migrate again, why? To survive so that they can find a refuge to survive.

It is true that we all know that it is really difficult, but we take refuge in your country to survive. If our country is safe, not everyone are crazy to go through all these dangerous paths with their children and families, in camps where it is impossible to live at all. But we live to live, like the hell of the land Moria's camp and camp's in Greece.

if you have a family and you will understand how difficult it is to leave them if you are a mother? If you are a father, do you know what it means to be away from your child? With all these problems, we get here. It is really not our right to come back. I know it is difficult for your government, which has sheltered so many immigrants, but it is really difficult if you bring back an immigrant. We love and we will do our best to be a good citizen.

BLACK & White




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