Region: Schweiz
Bild der Petition Allow non-EU/EEA students to work in Switzerland after graduation

Allow non-EU/EEA students to work in Switzerland after graduation

Petent/in nicht öffentlich
Petition richtet sich an
The Swiss government
0 Unterstützende 0 in Schweiz

Die Petition wurde abgeschlossen

0 Unterstützende 0 in Schweiz

Die Petition wurde abgeschlossen

  1. Gestartet 2022
  2. Sammlung beendet
  3. Eingereicht
  4. Dialog
  5. Beendet

Currently, the law of the Swiss Federation imposes unreasonably high restriction on non-EU/EEA students when they desire to work in Switzerland even after graduating from Swiss universities. The unfair requirement of proving that no Swiss or EU/EEA people can qualify for the same job is an insurmountable barrier for new graduates. This level of stringency is also unparalleled given that neighboring countries such as France and Germany have more reasonable laws that enable graduates to obtain work permit after studying on their own land. This is self explanatory: if a government invests in these foreign students with taxpayers money, it is expected that they should stay behind to work and contribute to the society and national economy. Moreover, there is no reason why a foreign student graduating from Swiss university is not given the chance to work, while other EU non-Swiss people who have never lived or studied here can have higher priority.
This change can be effected by the initiative of Swiss citizens or politicians who can initiate a referendum or judicial bill to modify the unfair labor laws in order to increase the competitiveness of the country, promote diversity, and justify Swiss taxpayers’ enormous expenses on higher education.
If there is a concern about the ability to integrate and assimilate, additional requirements such as passing certain language exams and cultural tests can be imposed in order to raise the threshold. This would be better than the current law given that non-EU/EEA students would at least have a chance if they are determined enough to work towards it.


Allowing non EU/EEA students to work in Switzerland upon graduation is beneficial for the country but not only for the foreign students themselves in several aspects. These benefits include increasing the country’s competitiveness, diversity, justifying taxpayers’ enormous contribution to subsidize higher education. In addition, there are also strong moral grounds for an immediate reform.
First and foremost, while being one of the wealthiest and famous countries in the world, Switzerland is seriously lacking behind in terms of diversity and inclusiveness as compared to other leading nations. It is well proved that diversity in society as well as workplace can increase creativity, productivity, and tolerance. In fact, many companies in Switzerland have manifested a clear intention to increase their workforce diversity, yet they cannot do so owing to the unreasonably restrictive labor laws.
From a financial perspective, it is also justifiable to modify the current restrictive rule given the enormous amount if federal budget spent on higher education. Each year, the confederation spends around 5 billion francs for all Swiss universities. The budget comes from Swiss taxpayers directly. As around 30% of Swiss university students are foreign students, this translates into 1.5 billion francs worth of subsidies going to foreign students. In contrast, other famous destinations such as the United Kingdom and the United States are charging foreign students ten times or even more tuition rate while having even more relaxing rule for foreign students to obtain work permit after graduation. Thus, it does not make sense for the Swiss government to spend money nurturing these talents and then send them freely to other countries.
Finally, if the consensus is to protect the employment opportunities of local Swiss people, it does not make any sense to treat non-EU/EEA students as inferior to other EU/EEA students as they are both non-Swiss nationals. The only implied rationale for such an unconscionable policy is that Switzerland only welcome people of similar cultures, which is completely antithetical to the goal of promoting diversity. Moreover, imagine that a non-EU/EEA student speaking fluent Swiss German and being passionate about Swiss culture being rejected, whereas an EU non-Swiss who does not know the language at all and has never studied at a Swiss university but only wants to obtain a higher salary here is accepted for a job instead. This example effectively illustrates the absurd, discriminatory, and unfair nature of the current labor laws. Similarly, Switzerland is not completely protectionist given that is also admits refugees for humanitarian grounds. It is also lamentable that refugees can legally work here after a certain period of time, whereas students who study and perform well at higher education and who have the potential to create immense value for the Swiss economy are not given even a chance.

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