Alueella: Bulgaria

Save the wild beauty of Madzharovo! Stop the solar park project in the Arda Valley!

Vetoomus on osoitettu
Кмет на община Маджарово; Общински съвет на община Маджарово; Областен управител на област Хасково; РИОСВ – Хасково; МОСВ; Всички заинтересовани институции

6 896 allekirjoitukset

7 000 keräystavoitteeseen

6 896 allekirjoitukset

7 000 keräystavoitteeseen
  1. Aloitti 20.1.2025
  2. Keräys edelleen 17 päivää
  3. Hakemus
  4. Vuoropuhelu vastaanottajan kanssa
  5. Päätös

Hyväksyn, että tietoni tallennetaan . Päätän, kuka näkee tukeni. Voin peruuttaa tämän suostumuksen milloin tahansa .


Vetoomus on osoitettu: Кмет на община Маджарово; Общински съвет на община Маджарово; Областен управител на област Хасково; РИОСВ – Хасково; МОСВ; Всички заинтересовани институции

The beautiful Arda River Valley near Madzharovo is one of the biodiversity hot spots in Bulgaria and Europe. It is a key location for ecological, cultural-historical, and adventure tourism in the magical Rhodope Mountains and a symbol of nature conservation and sustainable development. This unique place is home to rare species of reptiles, birds, mammals, and plants, attracting tourists, nature enthusiasts, researchers, writers, photographers, and scientists from all over the world.
The construction of a photovoltaic park in the protected Natura 2000 zone and near protected areas and the famous Arda River meander poses a serious threat to nature, tourism, and the region's economy. This project will devalue the iconic natural landscape, which serves as a major tourist attraction, endanger the unique biodiversity of the area, and have a negative impact on local livelihoods that rely on ecotourism.


The construction of the proposed photovoltaic park in the municipality of Madzharovo will lead to:

  • Destruction of habitats of endangered and protected species, including Griffon Vulture, Egyptian Vulture, Cinereous Vulture, Golden Eagle, and other birds of prey, orchids, reptiles such as the two protected species of tortoises, small mammals, and more. Many of these species are globally endangered and prioritized for conservation by the European Union. For decades, tremendous efforts and resources have been invested in their preservation, which will be completely undermined by the construction of this photovoltaic park. 
  • Disruption of natural air currents, which are critical for soaring birds.
  • Changes in the microclimate – an increase in temperature in the Madzharovo area, which will affect flora, fauna, and the regional climate, leading to negative consequences not only for biodiversity but also for local communities.
  • ·Negative impact on the local economylimiting opportunities for sustainable business development and causing job losses for the local population due to the destruction of the natural landscape and the loss of authentic natural beauty, which attracts visitors from all over the world. The preserved nature of the area has made it a leading destination for nature-based tourism in Europe, and the construction of the photovoltaic park will threaten this sector, and the jobs associated with it.

More information about the investment proposal can be found here


  •  Immediate halt to the procedures for the construction of the photovoltaic power park in Madzharovo Municipality.
  • ·Protection of public interest through transparent public discussions and the preservation of the region’s natural wealth.

Madzharovo is the wild heart of the Rhodope Mountains! Join us to protect this unique place! Save nature, save Madzharovo!

Photo: Nina Serafimova

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Vetoomus alkoi: 20.01.2025
Vetoomus päättyy: 31.03.2025
Alueella: Bulgaria
Aihe: Ympäristö

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