Civil rights

Bosanka i Bosanac - temelj Bosne i Hercegovine

Petition is addressed to
EU Parlament, White house Washington DC USA

1,646 signatures

The petition was withdrawn by the petitioner

1,646 signatures

The petition was withdrawn by the petitioner

  1. Launched September 2023
  2. Collection finished
  3. Submitted
  4. Dialogue
  5. Failed


09/11/2023, 10:33

Dies ist ein Hinweis der openPetition-Redaktion:

Diese Petition steht im Konflikt mit Punkt 1.4 der Nutzungsbedingungen für zulässige Petitionen.

Molimo vas da svoje izjave potkrijepite izvorima (Link/URL):

"U postdejtonskoj BiH su unaprijed propisanim kategorijama (Bošnjaci, Srbi, Hrvati) dodijeljena sva politička prava. Istovremeno ta su prava uskraćena svim ostalim građanima BiH, koji su i svrstani u kategoriju "ostalih".

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