Regiune: Austria

Equal Work, Equal Pay: Fair Treatment for Native Speaker Teachers

Petiția se adresează
Österreichische/r Bildungsminister/in, Österreichisches Parlament

1.735 Semnături

1.666 din 19.000 pentru cvorum in Austria Austria

1.735 Semnături

1.666 din 19.000 pentru cvorum in Austria Austria
  1. A început 15.01.2025
  2. Colecția încă > 4 luni
  3. Supunere
  4. Dialog cu destinatarul
  5. Decizie

Sunt de acord ca datele mele să fie stocate . Eu decid cine poate vedea sprijinul meu. Pot revoca acest consimțământ în orice moment .


Petiția se adresează: Österreichische/r Bildungsminister/in, Österreichisches Parlament

Native Speaker Teachers (NSTs) face a pay gap of up to 48% compared to our Austrian colleagues.We urge the incoming Minister of Education, in collaboration with the Ministry for Civil Service and, if necessary, the Parliament of Austria, to address this inequality by taking the following actions:
1.   Establish Fair Salary Guidelines: Place NSTs with university degrees from English-speaking countries on the same salary scale as Austrian teachers.

2.   Ensure System-Wide Application: Apply these guidelines consistently across all school types and regions, under both the old and new civil service laws.

3.   Recognize International Experience: Value prior teaching experience in English-speaking countries by factoring it into salary level determinations.


Native Speaker Teachers (NSTs) are essential to Austrian public education. As highly educated, experienced, and dedicated professionals, we play a pivotal role in equipping the next generation of Austrians with the English skills needed to succeed in today’s global society.

Our training and experience in English-speaking countries enable us to deliver exceptional language instruction. However, because this training occurred outside Austria, we face a significant pay gap of up to -48% compared to our Austrian colleagues.

Many of us are having difficulty making ends meet and are considering leaving the profession, which will deprive students of the high-quality English instruction they deserve.
By correcting this injustice, Austria will affirm its commitment to educational excellence and fair treatment for all educators.

Thank you for supporting high-quality English instruction in Austrian schools.

Vă mulțumim pentru sprijin, NST Advocacy Group , Wien
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Informații privind petiția

Petiția a început: 15.01.2025
Petiția se încheie: 14.07.2025
Regiune: Austria
categorie: Educaţie

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De ce oamenii semnează

The work of all teachers have to be recognised and rewarded. Unfortunately the native speakers teachers are not properly rewarded. We live in a multi culture Europe and we want our kids to benefit from this

My wife is a school teacher in a US School and wants to be able to teach in Austria on equal pay. Also, my kids are not yet fluent in German so they need English language courses to not fall behind. English is also an official EU language due to Ireland and Malta so it makes no sense to discriminate against it!

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