30/04/2024, 11:45
Neues Zeichnungsende: 01.06.2025
Unterschriften zum Zeitpunkt der Änderung: 11.380 (9.798 in Wien)
30/04/2024, 08:39
Neues Zeichnungsende: 01.06.2025
Unterschriften zum Zeitpunkt der Änderung: 11.380 (9.798 in Wien)
17/01/2024, 14:57
Dear petition signatories,
Dear Westbahnpark’ers!
The time has come!
We have been collecting since 2020 - 10,755 (and growing) committed supporters have since spoken out with their signatures calling for a linear park, an open landscape for everyone, a 1.2 km long, climate-friendly, socially acceptable urban space. Now, we are handing over this voting power to the city - so that the penny drops there too. We invite you all to the presentation of the results of the public participation on the Westbahn-site.
The more than 3000 comments and many signatures are unanimous:
100% want the Westbahnpark!
0% want development on the site!
Come to the performative press conference on Thursday, January 18, 2024, at 3.30 pm at JO&JOE (Europaplatz 1/6, 1150 Vienna, access by elevator from Europaplatz, U-exit Gerstnerstraße) or join us live via our Instagram channel @westbahnpark!
Accompany us in large numbers and together we hand over the votes for the Westbahnpark to the City government.
Let's press the button! 💌
09/11/2023, 17:25
Liebe Unterstützende!
Danke an alle für die tolle Unterstützung, den großen Zuspruch und das viele Lob!
Nach den großen Erfolgen dieses Jahres - die 10.000 Unterschriften geknackt, den Park eröffnet - wollten wir der Stadt bei der Präsentation des vorläufigen Entwicklungsplans ein großes Paket überreichen. Aber die Stadt ist noch nicht so weit. Daher werden wir weiter sammeln und noch mehr werden! Wir haben nämlich Zeit und Lust uns weiter für den WESTBAHNPARK zu engagieren.
Wir sind außerdem noch viel stärker geworden: In der Plattform "Wir machen Wien" haben wir uns mit 22 anderen Initiativen vernetzt, die das Anliegen teilen, eine zukunftsfähige Stadt zu kreieren, in der es sich gut leben lässt und die den Klimawandel über sinnvolle, begrünte, wunderbare Freiräume in den Griff bekommt! Her mit dem WESTBAHNPARK!
Bitte weiter sagen, weiter mobilisieren, weiter für Unterschriften sorgen!
Euer Team für den WESTBAHNPARK!
18/10/2023, 17:19
It was really dreamlike! The Westbahnpark got inaugurated with kettledrums and trumpets, guitar and electronic sound, with a big demonstration, vivid politics and a live concert. Mayor Michael Ludwig, City Councillor for Planning Ulrike Sima and City Councillor for the Environment Jürgen Czernohorszky surprised the enthusiastic crowd and cut the red ribbon!
It's almost too good to be true!
More in our website (www.westbahnpark.jetzt) or social media (www.instagram.com/westbahnpark/).
On top of that: we also cracked the 10,000! 🎉
The petition now has over 10,000 signatures supporting the Volkspark West! Better than any dream!
We make the Westbahnpark ours! Jetzt!
18/11/2022, 11:49
City Councillor Sima and ÖBB Infrastruktur officially propagate the green space but are already negotiating the building development. There is a threat of the area being divided up into building plots and tiny green spaces. We strongly oppose this and are calling for a large, continuous, long park without buildings, which will improve the climate and provide the city with fresh air and green space.
The last large inner-city open space is an opportunity of the century for Vienna! Quality of life is set for generations. One of the most densely populated districts needs a large park and not small open space compromises.
Let's demand the Westbahnpark together!
Be there on Saturday, 19 November at the Dialogue Tours of Urban Planning: www.wien.gv.at/stadtplanung/mitte-15-dialogtag
or/and send an email until 6 December to mitreden@ma21.wien.gv.at and communicate your wish for open and green space in Vienna 15.
The Westbahnpark brings urgently needed open space for the dense 15th district and its surroundings and fresh air for the whole city!
08/11/2022, 17:58
Das politische Verfahren wurde erst gestartet und wir streben einen günstigeren Übergabetermin an.
Neues Zeichnungsende: 31.05.2023
Unterschriften zum Zeitpunkt der Änderung: 7516 (6620 in Wien)
04/10/2022, 15:41
Dear Supporters,
this is an update for the Westbahnpark: The city planning department is now focusing on the Westbahn area and has allocated the mandate for the development process including public participation. In this context, we have been invited to an interview. Our petition should be handed over to the councilwoman at an effective moment. We will determine such, once the sequence of the process is clear.
In any case, we continue to bring up wind for the important climate corridor WESTBAHNPARK. This is happening already on the 9th of October 2022 within the frame of the urbanize! festival: We collect fresh air at Wienerwald and transport it to the city.
Everyone is welcome to join: 9th of October, 12:05 at Nikolaitor in Vienna.
We will continuously keep you updated, many airy greetings!
26/05/2021, 14:09
Übersetzungsdetails angepasst und abgeändert.
Neuer Titel: Vienna West Station ParkWestbahnpark
Neuer Petitionstext:
The campaign VIENNA WEST STATION PARKWESTBAHNPARK asks politicians and authorities involved in city planning to make the following project happen in Vienna's 15th District along Felberstraße:Felberstraße near Vienna West Station: This unique and important area should become a public green space in the form of a linear park for everybody. Measuring 70.000 m2, we invision it stretching from Vienna West Station to Johnstraße and from Felberstraße all the way to the rail tracks with a passage towards the city and view to Vienna Woods. An urban space that is 1.2 kilometres long, climate friendly, socially benificial and which includes the world's longest swim lane.
Unterschriften zum Zeitpunkt der Änderung: 4.688 (4.066 in Wien)