Regio: Wenen


Petitie is gericht aan
City of Vienna
11.539 Ondersteunend 9.929 in Wenen
1985% van 500 voor quorum
11.539 Ondersteunend 9.929 in Wenen
1985% van 500 voor quorum
  1. Begonnen 2021
  2. Handtekeningenactie nog steeds > 10 maanden
  3. Overdracht
  4. Gesprek met ontvanger
  5. Beslissing

Ik ga ermee akkoord dat mijn gegevens worden opgeslagen. Ik bepaal wie mijn steun kan zien. Ik kan deze toestemming op elk moment intrekken .


26-05-2021 14:09

Übersetzungsdetails angepasst und abgeändert.

Neuer Titel: Vienna West Station ParkWestbahnpark

Neuer Petitionstext:

The campaign VIENNA WEST STATION PARKWESTBAHNPARK asks politicians and authorities involved in city planning to make the following project happen in Vienna's 15th District along Felberstraße:Felberstraße near Vienna West Station: This unique and important area should become a public green space in the form of a linear park for everybody. Measuring 70.000 m2, we invision it stretching from Vienna West Station to Johnstraße and from Felberstraße all the way to the rail tracks with a passage towards the city and view to Vienna Woods. An urban space that is 1.2 kilometres long, climate friendly, socially benificial and which includes the world's longest swim lane.

Unterschriften zum Zeitpunkt der Änderung: 4.688 (4.066 in Wien)

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