About the petition Impfen statt Keulen

Affing: Not public*, Not public*
Agawang: Handwritten*
Altenmünster: Handwritten*
Anried: Handwritten*
Biberbach: Handwritten*, Handwritten*, Franz Martin*
Dinkelscherben: Handwritten*, Handwritten*, Handwritten*, Handwritten*, Handwritten*, Handwritten*, Handwritten*, Eduard Schmeißer-Rüb*, Michael Schmeißer*
Ettelried: Handwritten*, Handwritten*, Handwritten*
Fischach: Handwritten*
Friedberg: Anton Schneider*, Not public*
Gersthofen: Not public*
Hargau: Handwritten*, Handwritten*, Handwritten*, Handwritten*, Handwritten*
Heretsried: Not public*
Horgau: Handwritten*, Handwritten*
Kissing: Voigt Anette*
Kleinaitingen: Sebastian Röderer*
Kühlenthal: Marco Barnickel*
Kutzenhausen: Handwritten*
Meitingen: André Falke*, Manuela Falke*, Not public*
Mering: Ferdinand Kopp*, Not public*
Neusäß: Josef Franz Xaver Kießling*
Rehling: Carmen Lichtenstern*
Ried: Not public*
Scherstetten: Not public*
Schwabmünchen: Daniela Leiter*
Stadtbergen: Andreas Glas*
Ustersbach: Handwritten*, Handwritten*, Handwritten*
Westendorf: Not public*

(* These signatures count towards the quorum.)

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