blocked initiatives — Luxembourg

These initiatives violate our Terms of Use. The initiators have not submitted a revised version within the set deadline. For reasons of transparency, the reason for the suspension and the text of the initiative remain visible. You can protest the closing of a petition.

Not applicable to any petition in this country (Luxembourg).

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Petitions in other countries/EU in the national language (German)

Gegen die Errichtung eines Containerdorfes für 80 Flüchtlinge auf dem Schützenplatz in Schleusingen

Reason for blocking:

Petitions containing false statements of fact, missing sources, or misleading omission of relevant facts will be terminated. openPetition reserves the right to subsequently request sources in controversial cases or to have essential facts supplemented.

Betreffend: Unterstellt pauschal, dass von geflüchteten Menschen eine Gefahr für die Bewohner des Ortes ausgeht.


Reason for blocking:

Petitions containing false statements of fact, missing sources, or misleading omission of relevant facts will be terminated. openPetition reserves the right to subsequently request sources in controversial cases or to have essential facts supplemented.

Betreffend: Bitte beachten Sie, dass es sich bei der Seite "" um SATIRE handelt.

Für eine Sozenbremse im deutsche Bundestag

Reason for blocking:

Petitions that violate the free, democratic basic order or seek to abolish it will be terminated. Petitions that call for hatred and violence or that condone, deny or trivialize the crimes of National Socialism will be ended. Petitions that question the Basic Law or the criminality of sedition will be terminated. Petitions that are directed against the European Conventions on Human Rights or international law will be terminated.

Betreffend: Die Forderung nach dem Verbot demokratischer Parteien widerspricht den demokratischen Grundwerten unserer Gesellschaft. Nach 21 Abs. 2 Grundgesetz (GG) sind Parteien verfassungswidrig, die nach ihren Zielen oder nach dem Verhalten ihrer Anhänger darauf ausgehen, die freiheitliche demokratische Grundordnung zu beeinträchtigen oder zu beseitigen oder den Bestand der Bundesrepublik Deutschland zu gefährden.

Fluthilferückzahlung aus Sachsen - keine Hilfe für rassistische Hetzer!

Reason for blocking:

Offensive, derogatory and discriminatory petitions will be terminated and blocked. This includes, but is not limited to, insults, degradation and discrimination based on gender, age, appearance, origin, social status, religion, disability, marital status or sexual orientation.

Betreffend: Die Petition diskriminiert und beleidigt pauschal die Bevölkerung eines ganzen Bundeslandes, obwohl sich die Kritik lediglich gegen eine Minderheit richtet.

Aberkennung des Titels und der Rückgabe der Gewinnsumme von Herrn Severino Seeger!!!!

Reason for blocking:

Petitions which, from a subjective point of view, disparage (the behaviour of) persons or groups and judge them in general terms will be terminated and blocked. Petitions in which blanket attributions are made to entire groups of people that cannot be substantiated and merely reflect one's own opinion are also inadmissible. An objective and justified criticism of public persons or groups in relation to their public activity is permissible.

Betreffend: "Denn Verbrecher dürfen wir nicht unterstützen."

120 Einwohner-Siedlung in Rossendorf (LK Bautzen) mit 72 Asylbewerbern unverhältnismäßig überlastet

Reason for blocking:

Offensive, derogatory and discriminatory petitions will be terminated and blocked. This includes, but is not limited to, insults, degradation and discrimination based on gender, age, appearance, origin, social status, religion, disability, marital status or sexual orientation.

Betreffend: Die Petition verurteilt alle Asylsuchenden pauschal als kriminell. Dies stellt eine Diskriminierung dar.

Erhalt des KiEZ in Güntersberge

Reason for blocking:

Petitions containing false statements of fact, missing sources, or misleading omission of relevant facts will be terminated. openPetition reserves the right to subsequently request sources in controversial cases or to have essential facts supplemented.

Betreffend: Die Behauptung, das "KiEZ in Güntersberge soll geschlossen werden um Asylbewerber dort unter zubringen" ist nachweislich falsch. (Quelle:,20641064,29637032.html)

kein Geld, aber Asyl-containerdorf bauen. NICHT MIT UNS!

Reason for blocking:

Offensive, derogatory and discriminatory petitions will be terminated and blocked. This includes, but is not limited to, insults, degradation and discrimination based on gender, age, appearance, origin, social status, religion, disability, marital status or sexual orientation.

Betreffend: Um Asyl bittende Menschen pauschal mit Kriminalität gleichzusetzen, diskriminiert sie. Zudem führt die Aussage, dass die lokale Bevölkerung weichen müsse, in die Irre.


Reason for blocking:

Petitions which, from a subjective point of view, disparage (the behaviour of) persons or groups and judge them in general terms will be terminated and blocked. Petitions in which blanket attributions are made to entire groups of people that cannot be substantiated and merely reflect one's own opinion are also inadmissible. An objective and justified criticism of public persons or groups in relation to their public activity is permissible.

Betreffend: "DachoArts muss weg...Zum wohle der Designer Szene (der richtigen)" sowie "#AmateurMöchtegernDesigner"


Reason for blocking:

Offensive, derogatory and discriminatory petitions will be terminated and blocked. This includes, but is not limited to, insults, degradation and discrimination based on gender, age, appearance, origin, social status, religion, disability, marital status or sexual orientation.

Betreffend: Bei der kritisierten Internetseite handelt es sich um Satire.

Aufruf zur Volksabstimmung des Deutschen Volkes für eine neune Verfassung usw.

Reason for blocking:

Petitions, which are not addressed to a specific person, juristical person(s), parliamentary bodies or to organisations in politics, science, society or to general public, will be ended.

Betreffend: "An alle Deutschen und die, welche es wirklich werden wollen".

Keine Autobahn durch Königsbrunn ,Mering und Kissing, nein zur Osttangente

Reason for blocking:

Petitions must not infringe the copyrights of third parties. When using copyright-protected texts, images or videos, the petitioner is responsible for obtaining the consent of the rights holders and citing the sources.

Betreffend: Das Copyright wurde verletzt.

Nein zum geplanten Asylantenheim in Tackenberg

Reason for blocking:

Offensive, derogatory and discriminatory petitions will be terminated and blocked. This includes, but is not limited to, insults, degradation and discrimination based on gender, age, appearance, origin, social status, religion, disability, marital status or sexual orientation.

Betreffend: Die pauschale Gleichsetzung Schutz suchender Menschen mit Kriminalität, Gewalt und Schmutz ist diskriminierend.

Nein Zum Heim Zum Asyl - Container - Dorf In Marzahn Und Lichtenberg (Falkenberg)

Reason for blocking:

Offensive, derogatory and discriminatory petitions will be terminated and blocked. This includes, but is not limited to, insults, degradation and discrimination based on gender, age, appearance, origin, social status, religion, disability, marital status or sexual orientation.

Betreffend: Die Petition spricht sich gegen das Grundrecht, in Deutschland um Asyl zu ersuchen, aus, welches im Grundgesetz verankert ist. Des Weiteren wird eine Minderheit diskriminiert.

Griechenland Soll Euro-Zone Verlassen

Reason for blocking:

Petitions which, from a subjective point of view, disparage (the behaviour of) persons or groups and judge them in general terms will be terminated and blocked. Petitions in which blanket attributions are made to entire groups of people that cannot be substantiated and merely reflect one's own opinion are also inadmissible. An objective and justified criticism of public persons or groups in relation to their public activity is permissible.

Betreffend: Die Petition wurde gesperrt, da die Forderung keinen konstruktiven Beitrag zur Änderung bestehender Verhältnisse leistet, sondern Stimmungsmache betreibt und beleidigende Äußerungen enthält.

Nein zum Bau vom Containerdorf!Ortseingang mit bitteren Nachgeschmack für die Gemeinde Tostedt!

Reason for blocking:

Offensive, derogatory and discriminatory petitions will be terminated and blocked. This includes, but is not limited to, insults, degradation and discrimination based on gender, age, appearance, origin, social status, religion, disability, marital status or sexual orientation.

Betreffend: Der Petitionstext nimmt Gleichsetzungen von Asylsuchenden mit Gefahr, Bedrohung und Gewalt vor. Derartige Aussagen stellen Diffamierungen dar und verstoßen gegen unsere Nutzungsbedingungen.

Pro PEGIDA, für die berechtigten Interessen der demonstrierenden Bürger

Reason for blocking:

Petitions containing false statements of fact, missing sources, or misleading omission of relevant facts will be terminated. openPetition reserves the right to subsequently request sources in controversial cases or to have essential facts supplemented.

Betreffend: "Die deutsche Kultur muss vor der schleichenden Islamisierung geschützt werden!" araciligiyla Sila yolundaki, HAKLARIMIZI aramak ve rüsvete SON verme KAMPANYASI

Reason for blocking:

Petitions with direct or indirect advertising for own products, services or parties will be terminated. Petitions with direct or indirect advertising for parties are admissible if the party has launched the petition itself. Petitions that are launched by sympathisers or members of a party and contain direct or indirect advertising for parties are not admissible.

Regarding: Direct advertising for your own services on the specified website.

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