Support our Mission!

Our non-profit petition platform is solely financed by donations from our users. With your valued support we can assist petitions and remain independent of political parties and businesses.

Thank you for helping us in our endeavour to improve citizen participation!

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Do you have questions about your donation?

Dóra Simon

Bank transfer

Of course you can also support our work through a direct donation to our bank account:

recipients: openPetition gGmbH
IBAN: DE46 4306 0967 1140 1635 01

Tax deductibility

Donations to openPetition from a place of residence outside of Germany are currently not tax deductible.

Regular donation

You can cancel regular funding through recurring payments at any time without giving reasons by email.

Transaction fees

The payment service providers charge different fees that are subtracted from your donation:
Klarna: 0,0%, Withdrawal: 0,5%, PayPal: 1,2% and Credit Card: 1,4%.

Donate via Bitcoin

