Regiji: Irska

Disability Discrimination in Ireland

Pobudnik ni javen
Peticija je naslovljena na
Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission

1.661 Podpisi

Pobudnik pobude ni oddal/izročil.

1.661 Podpisi

Pobudnik pobude ni oddal/izročil.

  1. Začelo 2020
  2. Zbiranje končano
  3. Oddano
  4. Dialog
  5. Neuspešen

Peticija je naslovljena na: Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission

Arising from the enactment of Statutory Instrument 244 of 2020 and Statutory Instrument 296 of 2020 (together the "Regulations"), both of which have mandated the wearing of Face Coverings on Public Transport and in Relevant Premises respectively, I say that I have been regularly subjected to discrimination in the provision of goods and services in breach of the Equal Status Acts.

I say that I have a disability within the meaning of the Equal Status Acts and I have a Reasonable Excuse within the meaning of the Regulations, however, irrespective of making this fact known, it has become regular practice within businesses and public transport vehicles (who are subject to both the Equal Status Acts and the Regulations) to refuse service (without offering any reasonable accommodation) to persons unable to wear a Face Covering.

I am aware that the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission has a statutory function to promote equality and ban discrimination in Ireland and that in accordance with section 23 of the Equal Status Acts, if it appears to the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission that prohibited conduct (which includes discrimination), is being generally directed against persons, then the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission may refer such a complaint to the Workplace Relations Commission ("WRC") and in which case the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission shall be the complainant.

I say that I have been subject to discrimination in the provision of goods and services arising from an inability to wear a Face Covering and I further say that I have been witness to widespread discrimination generally being directed against others who are unable to wear a Face Covering.

I sign this Petition today to ask the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission to initiate a complaint through the WRC arising from prohibited conduct (within the meaning of the Equal Status Acts) in the provision of goods and services.

I confirm that the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission may contact the Irish Council for Human Rights in connection with the identity of the entity that should be the respondent in this matter.


Please support the rights of disabled persons in Ireland.

Please sign and share this petition.

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Informacije o peticiji

Peticija se je začela: 22. 12. 2020
Konec peticije: 22. 02. 2021
Regiji: Irska
kategorijo: Zdravje


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Message to Iwona Gołębiewska: Many people are now feeling the same as you Iwona, and are threatened not only by lazis shop employees but also by the "corona" zombies idiots. masks, like fraududlent PCR tests are fake science to push an agenda. the irish state is one of the most corrupt on earth. They serve only corporate and private agendas. They don't care about you and your health. THIS IS STATE SPONSORED TERRORISM! WE ARE MANY PEOPLE WHO DON't WEAR MASKS AND WE WILL CONTINUE. BE COURAGEOUS, THEY HAVE NO RIGHT TO FORCE MASK ON US!

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