blocked initiatives — Switzerland

These initiatives violate our Terms of Use. The initiators have not submitted a revised version within the set deadline. For reasons of transparency, the reason for the suspension and the text of the initiative remain visible. You can protest the closing of a petition.

Petitions in other countries/EU in the national language (German)

Rauswurf von ZDF Fußball-Kommentator Béla Réthy

Reason for blocking:

Offensive, derogatory and discriminatory petitions will be terminated and blocked. This includes, but is not limited to, insults, degradation and discrimination based on gender, age, appearance, origin, social status, religion, disability, marital status or sexual orientation.

Betreffend: "Abgesehen von seiner unverkennbaren Stimme (ähnlich der eines Opossums mit Nasennebenhöhlenkrebs),..."

Rücktritt von Ursula von der Leyen, sofort!

Reason for blocking:

Petitions which, from a subjective point of view, disparage (the behaviour of) persons or groups and judge them in general terms will be terminated and blocked. Petitions in which blanket attributions are made to entire groups of people that cannot be substantiated and merely reflect one's own opinion are also inadmissible. An objective and justified criticism of public persons or groups in relation to their public activity is permissible.

Betreffend: " Der Grund dafür liegt in ihrer absoluten Inkompetenz, weil sie keine Ahnung über die Funktionsweise und Funktionsvoraussetzungen einer Verteidigungsarmee hat. Sie hat ebenfalls keine Ahnung davon, dass eben nicht "Geschlechter-Vielfalt" gefragt ist sondern "Kampftauglichkeit". (Kampftauglichkeit ist die Kombination aus "kämpfen können" mit "kämpfen wollen"). Desweiteren hat sie keine Ahnung von "Innerer Führung" und reagiert auf "berechtigte Kritik" mit absurden oder völlig überzogenen Maßnahmen. Diese Frau ist die "personifizierte Wehrkraft-Zersetzung" und muss daher sofort ihren Ministerstuhl räumen!"

Make Deutschland big again

Reason for blocking:

Petitions that violate the free, democratic basic order or seek to abolish it will be terminated. Petitions that call for hatred and violence or that condone, deny or trivialize the crimes of National Socialism will be ended. Petitions that question the Basic Law or the criminality of sedition will be terminated. Petitions that are directed against the European Conventions on Human Rights or international law will be terminated.

Betreffend: "[...] wollen Preußen in seiner ganzen Glanz und Gloria wieder aufleben lassen. Mit ihrer Stimme können wir es zusammen schaffen, die Regierung dazu zu bringen, diplomatisch (mit Waffen) Preußen wieder aufzubauen."

ohg.nagold_starterpacks soll auf Instagram gesperrt werden!

Reason for blocking:

Petitions containing false statements of fact, missing sources, or misleading omission of relevant facts will be terminated. openPetition reserves the right to subsequently request sources in controversial cases or to have essential facts supplemented.

Betreffend: "Der Instagram Account ohg.nagold_starterpacks muss gelöscht werden, da sie eine billige Kopie der innovativen Instagramseite ohgstarterpacks ist."

Der Landesinnenminister Ralf Jäger soll weg!

Reason for blocking:

Petitions containing false statements of fact, missing sources, or misleading omission of relevant facts will be terminated. openPetition reserves the right to subsequently request sources in controversial cases or to have essential facts supplemented.

Betreffend: "Er hat schon oft genug unter Beweis gestellt, dass er nicht den richtigen Job macht als Innenminister. "

Neevi muss Naitomea verlassen

Reason for blocking:

Offensive, derogatory and discriminatory petitions will be terminated and blocked. This includes, but is not limited to, insults, degradation and discrimination based on gender, age, appearance, origin, social status, religion, disability, marital status or sexual orientation.

Betreffend: Diffamierend gegenüber Neevi.

Es lebe der Meinungspluralismus!

Reason for blocking:

Petitions containing false statements of fact, missing sources, or misleading omission of relevant facts will be terminated. openPetition reserves the right to subsequently request sources in controversial cases or to have essential facts supplemented.

Betreffend: "Auch in NRW versuchen Frau Petry und Herr Pretzell einen unliebsamen Gegner auszuschalten."

Rettet die Alternative für Deutschland

Reason for blocking:

Petitions with direct or indirect advertising for own products, services or parties will be terminated. Petitions with direct or indirect advertising for parties are admissible if the party has launched the petition itself. Petitions that are launched by sympathisers or members of a party and contain direct or indirect advertising for parties are not admissible.

Betreffend: Direkte Werbung für die Partei AfD (Alternative für Deutschland)

Abschaffung des Widerspruchrechts für abgelehnte Asylanträge

Reason for blocking:

Petitions containing false statements of fact, missing sources, or misleading omission of relevant facts will be terminated. openPetition reserves the right to subsequently request sources in controversial cases or to have essential facts supplemented.

Betreffend: "Asyl ist eine freiwillige Sache des Asyl gebenden Landes."

Endlich Mietverträge verstehen! Mehr Rechte, mehr Geld, mehr Zeit...

Reason for blocking:

Petitions with direct or indirect advertising for own products, services or parties will be terminated. Petitions with direct or indirect advertising for parties are admissible if the party has launched the petition itself. Petitions that are launched by sympathisers or members of a party and contain direct or indirect advertising for parties are not admissible.

Betreffend: Direkte Werbung für eine eigene Software

K-shop eröffmu

Reason for blocking:

Petitions with direct or indirect advertising for own products, services or parties will be terminated. Petitions with direct or indirect advertising for parties are admissible if the party has launched the petition itself. Petitions that are launched by sympathisers or members of a party and contain direct or indirect advertising for parties are not admissible.

Moschee in Leipzig-Gohlis verbieten!!!!

Reason for blocking:

Petitions containing false statements of fact, missing sources, or misleading omission of relevant facts will be terminated. openPetition reserves the right to subsequently request sources in controversial cases or to have essential facts supplemented.

Betreffend: "Deutsche Läden müssen schließen auf Grund der Kosten und sofort entstehen Dönerläden, Bars etc." und "Die Bewohner in Gohlis haben vermehrt Angst, da sich Einbrüche häufen, Belästigungen häufen, Bedrohungen sich häufen!"

Neuwahlen Bundespräsidentenwahl

Reason for blocking:

Petitions containing false statements of fact, missing sources, or misleading omission of relevant facts will be terminated. openPetition reserves the right to subsequently request sources in controversial cases or to have essential facts supplemented.

Betreffend: "DIE Wahl wurde getürkt!"

Petition gegen die Petition: „Ich erkenne Van der Bellen als meinen Präsidenten nicht an“ !

Reason for blocking:

Petitions which only refer to other petitions and do not state their own independent goals will be ended and blocked. This is also the case for petitions on other platforms.

Kürfürstendamm soll Kurfürstendamm Bleiben

Reason for blocking:

Petitions containing false statements of fact, missing sources, or misleading omission of relevant facts will be terminated. openPetition reserves the right to subsequently request sources in controversial cases or to have essential facts supplemented.

Betreffend: Der Artikel, der für die Begründung genutzt wurde, ist eine Satire der Zeitung und somit keine sachliche Quelle.

Ja zum Brexit - Unterstützen wir die Engländer durch den Kauf von englischen Waren

Reason for blocking:

Petitions with direct or indirect advertising for own products, services or parties will be terminated. Petitions with direct or indirect advertising for parties are admissible if the party has launched the petition itself. Petitions that are launched by sympathisers or members of a party and contain direct or indirect advertising for parties are not admissible.

Öffentlich rechtliche fördern Straftaten.

Reason for blocking:

Offensive, derogatory and discriminatory petitions will be terminated and blocked. This includes, but is not limited to, insults, degradation and discrimination based on gender, age, appearance, origin, social status, religion, disability, marital status or sexual orientation.

Betreffend: "[...] nehmen und es dann für grenzdebile Sendungen und pseudo wissenschaftliche Reportagen verballern."

Sofortiger Rücktritt von Claudia Roth und Niederlegung sämtlicher politischer Ämter

Reason for blocking:

Petitions containing false statements of fact, missing sources, or misleading omission of relevant facts will be terminated. openPetition reserves the right to subsequently request sources in controversial cases or to have essential facts supplemented.

Betreffend: Der Politikerin wird vorgeworfen das "deutsche Recht", sowie Ihren Amtseid zu brechen. Diese Aussagen werden nicht belegt.

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