Streek: Wene


Petisie word gerig aan
City of Vienna

11 771 Handtekeninge

10 217 van 500 vir kworum in Wene Wene

11 771 Handtekeninge

10 217 van 500 vir kworum in Wene Wene
  1. Het begin 2021
  2. Versameling steeds > 2 maande
  3. Voorlegging
  4. Dialoog met ontvanger
  5. Besluit

Ek stem in dat my data gestoor sal word. Ek besluit wie my ondersteuning kan sien. Ek kan hierdie toestemming enige tyd herroep.



2024-01-17 14:57

Dear petition signatories,
Dear Westbahnpark’ers!

The time has come!
We have been collecting since 2020 - 10,755 (and growing) committed supporters have since spoken out with their signatures calling for a linear park, an open landscape for everyone, a 1.2 km long, climate-friendly, socially acceptable urban space. Now, we are handing over this voting power to the city - so that the penny drops there too. We invite you all to the presentation of the results of the public participation on the Westbahn-site.

The more than 3000 comments and many signatures are unanimous:
100% want the Westbahnpark!
0% want development on the site!

Come to the performative press conference on Thursday, January 18, 2024, at 3.30 pm at JO&JOE (Europaplatz 1/6, 1150 Vienna, access by elevator from Europaplatz, U-exit Gerstnerstraße) or join us live via our Instagram channel @westbahnpark!

Accompany us in large numbers and together we hand over the votes for the Westbahnpark to the City government.

Let's press the button! 💌

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