Region: Hungary

Erasmus: Let's stand together for young people's mobility opportunities in Hungary

Petition is addressed to
EU institutions

2,366 signatures

Petitioner did not submit the petition.

2,366 signatures

Petitioner did not submit the petition.

  1. Launched April 2023
  2. Collection finished
  3. Submitted
  4. Dialogue
  5. Failed

Petition is addressed to: EU institutions

As a member organization of the European Union, Hungary is also eligible to participate in Erasmus+ mobility programs, allowing not only Hungarian youth and educators to gain valuable experiences and professional expertise abroad, but also enabling thousands of students from all over the world to visit Hungary, get to know our country and study here.
The National Youth Country of Hungary as the umbrella organization representing Hungarian youth and youth-related civil organizations is launching a petition to ensure that students from Hungarian universities undergoing a transition to a new model can continue to participate in Erasmus+ higher education mobility programs.
Therefore, we are launching a signature collection campaign in collaboration with the community of universities from April 12-21, 2023, to collectively advocate for representation of students studying at universities undergoing a transition in front of the European Youth Forum and the institutions of the European Union.
We urge the European Commission not to let young people become victims of the debate between the European Union and a member state government.
We hope that a negotiated resolution to the above conflict will be reached as soon as possible, as time is a crucial factor in a young person’s life when it comes to their future and success. The decision of the Commission puts the dreams of thousands of young people at risk every year, and it leaves a resource untapped that provides opportunities for international knowledge transfer, which is indispensable for the development of both the individual and the member states.


Study trips abroad are an unparalleled opportunity for Hungarian university students and young educators, as well as for foreigners visiting Hungary, for personal growth, professional experience, and learning about different cultures and languages. Last year, nearly 10.000 people participated in Erasmus+ programs in Hungary on an annual basis. The freezing of programs primarily affects those institutions that would account for 62% of the participants, denying approximately 182.000 students, including 30.000 international students and 18.000 educators, the chance to gain international experience. Erasmus+ higher education programs are among the most popular options for international mobility. Participants acquire valuable soft skills that can be highly beneficial in the job market.

Thank you for your support, Nemzeti Ifjúsági Tanács from 2. kerület
Question to the initiator

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Petition details

Petition started: 04/15/2023
Petition ends: 09/30/2023
Region: Hungary
Topic: Education

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